Affordable Housing Finance
NW Financial provides consulting services to affordable housing owners on several programs through the State Housing Agencies and the United States’ Office of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”). NW provides deal specific financing assistance for clients while providing a variety of research and review on any number of areas of affordable housing. Our staff is constantly researching new HUD regulations and attending conferences in order to understand the Affordable Housing world’s many facets so we can thoroughly review projects and if it is advantageous to the client, assist them through the process and provide additional options to determine the best approach.
NW Financial professionals have a long history of working with federal and state rental subsidy programs, have structured and financed innovative multifamily financing and refunding strategies, and have restructured and/or refinanced distressed multifamily properties.

Our Experience and Unrivaled Knowledge
With a wealth of experience in various financial aspects of the private and public housing industries, including experience as a Participating Administrative Entity for the HUD’s Mark-to-Market program and as an approved provider of Management Assessments for the Capital Fund Financing Programs, NW Financial professionals have an unrivaled knowledge of:
- Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)
- FHA Insured Mortgage Financing
- Public Housing Authority Management and Programs
- 501c3 and Housing Authority Bonds
- Section 22 Streamlined Voluntary Conversions
- Section 18 Demolition/Disposition
- State Housing Finance Agencies
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit Programs (LIHTC)
Our History
NW professionals have experience preparing applications, assessing properties, reviewing all necessary documentation, including the reconciliation of CNA reports ensuring funding is available throughout the term of the financing to safeguard the integrity of the property. Our due diligence experience also includes meeting with stakeholders such as the tenants, tenant organizations, and in some cases the surrounding community to ensure that the residents of the property are aware of what is going on with their homes and getting input to assist in the final underwriting when appropriate.
NW Financial has closed numerous RAD transactions for Public Housing Authorities (“PHA”) across the Country, including the first-ever RAD project completed in the State of New Jersey. These RAD projects included financings through the New Jersey Housing Mortgage Finance Agency utilizing 4% LIHTCs, issuance of tax-exempt bonds by the PHAs, and variable and fixed loans provided by various private banking lenders. In addition to the RAD program, NW provides ongoing consulting services to several PHAs throughout the Country.